Saturday, November 3, 2012

Martha's Table

12th Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser 2011...2012 was a miss but we'll be back!

We're back for soup at Martha's Table Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser, Sunday, October 16th, 2011.This lovely fall event boasts soups from many famous Kingston kitchens, as well as desserts and coffee. You pick out your own handcrafted bowl (yours to keep) and the volunteers serve up your choice of soup in your very own bowl! While you dine, we amongst others, will entertain you and your friends and family. TRIOLA will play during the first 2 seatings....11:30 and 12:15. The cost is $30 and is held at the University Club, 168 Stuart Street, Kingston ON.

Sadly, we were not able to entertain the soup revelers in 2012. We were busy performing a chamber music recital at the Royal Military College, part of a newly created series, in the beautiful Currie Hall. Check it out...
We hope to be back for Martha's Table fabulous fundraiser in 2013!